"Puppy Training and Dog Training Online" is a program created by Dove Cresswell, an animal trainer working in Hollywood. Her program is video based and includes several bonus items. Her training includes:
* Puppy House Training / Potty Training
* Dog Obedience Training
* Crate Training
* Walking Politely on a Leash: The Informal Heel
* The Recall
* Good Puppy & Dog Manners
* Special Dog Tricks
In the entertainment business, time is MONEY… and the puppies and dogs need to be trained FAST. Each dog must perform exactly as required by the director - PERFECTLY, every time, over and over until the director yells “CUT!” At the age of 25, Dove is one of the top trainers in the industry and you can utilize the benefit of her expertise to train your dog FAST.
Beside the basic lessons listed above, the program includes several bonus items, the best of which is direct email access to her expertise.
Since the lessons are in video format, there is a flow to watching them, and some might prefer
an ebook format so they could refer back to it without rewatching a video. The benefit of the video is that you hear the voice inflections Dove uses when she is training animals, and that probably speeds up the training process.
Dove Cresswell's program sells for $38.97 and is available HERE.
"How to Train Your Dog in One Evening" is a training resource offered by Don and Ellen Langton. Their dog was peeing on their bed, barking incessantly, refusing to obey, and in general making life miserable. The Langtons were almost ready to take the dog to the shelter, whentheir vet suggested this book.
Amazingly they were able to correct the bad behavior in just a couple of days. The book includes
training techniques for over 80 different problems. There are contributions from a panel of dog training experts with over 80 years between them. Obedience trainers, show dog trainers, breeders, veterinary technicians…even the folks who train those police K-9 dogs.
I’m told that many of the secrets in this book have never been revealed to regular dog owners before. That they were part of the “private bag of tricks” used by these pros.It is a menu of options for specific problems.
This program will appeal to those wanting a reference for specific training issues that they can
return to as needed.
"How to Train Your Dog in One Evening" is $39.95 and is available HERE.
These two programs are both very good, and depending on your specific needs and desires, both might fill the bill. Dove Cresswell's program is geared to comprehensive training and the Langton's is designed for more specific needs. I would rate Dove Cresswell's program a 5 stars out of 5 possible, and the Langton's 4.5 stars out of 5.
To get Cresswells "Puppy Training and Dog Training Online," CLICK HERE
To get the Langton's "How to Train Your Dog in One Evening," CLICK HERE
How To Stop Dog Barking
is a trait that, when appreciated at times, becomes undesirable when expressed too often.
So why do they bark?
All the noise a dog makes, including barking, is his means of communication. A bark is typically short, sharp sounds that do not vary in pitch and intensity. It is his way of saying "Hey!" and can express fear, territory protection,
an alert to danger, or some urgent need (Check the food and water!). Barking is a product of a state of excitement or fear. Barking is not a problem unless it becomes excessive.
Excessive barking causes.
Excess barking has a variety of causes. Some breeds (Terriers!) just bark more than others. Whatever the breed, your dog can still bark to excess. There is some external factor that is causing the barking, and you must
determine what it is if you hope to cure the problem.
Confinement can be a significant reason for problem barking. Leaving your dog too long in his crate, or locked in a room, tied up outside, or even kept in a yard without proper shelter from the elements causes frustration
which leads to barking. Not getting enough exercise can also result in pent up energy which is released through barking
Normal sounds can also trigger barking. The barking of other dogs, The doorbell (big at my house), the sound of a car, Voices of unfamiliar people (a pox on the early am joggers!), thunder or fireworks, the telephone can start
the dogs on a flurry of barking. Birds, squirrels, lizards or cats that come into view out the window can do it as well. Sometimes, noises that would not start your dogs barking in the daytime, may trigger him at night. Strangers,
or non-family friends coming into your home may receive a good barking-to as well. Some dogs are just barkers by temperament.
First, determine the cause of the barking. Is it confinement, lack of exercise, noises in the neighborhood? Confinement and lack of exercise are easily cured. Be sure your dog has adequate space to move around, and be
sure he gets enough exercise each and every day.
If the barking is in response to environmental noises, or due to temperament, direct behavior training methods can be used. These tools include training using a verbal cue such as "No!", and a pull on the leash. Never ever
yell at your dog, as he will equate it with barking and will join you to bark even more. Remember that the training must occur during the unwanted behavior so that your dog associates the two together, then be sure to praise
him when he stops barking.
There are many indirect ways to deter your dog from barking. Squirt him with water when he barks (messy indoors), bark activated shock collars (drastic and not recommended, but good if he barks when you are gone), loud
or unpleasant noises (coffee can with a dozen pennies inside – shake when barking occurs, ultrasound device you control) that break the bark cycle. These devices can be controlled by you, or triggered by your dog's barking.
The last resort, when everything else has been tried, and I do NOT like this procedure, is to surgically remove all or part of the vocal cords.
Solving the barking problem starts with a determination of the most likely cause of the excessive barking. Once you have that, you can tailor your behavior modification activities to fit. It's tough to modify an instinctual behavior
like barking, but it can be done by combining the right techniques with plenty of love and patience. It is definitely worth it.
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